tarwen_xoxo wrote in soulmateaday Jul 05, 2013 00:00
⊕ 'that' look, ☆ chunfaces, event: lotte sweet dream with jyj, ⊕ oh boys♥, ! picture, event: lotte fanmeet in seoul, ★ jaefaces
omen1x2 wrote in soulmateaday Sep 16, 2012 20:22
⊕ 'that' look, ⊕ oh boys♥, ! picture, ⊕ pda, ⊕ hand-holding, event: lotte sweet dream with jyj, event: lotte fanmeet in seoul, ⊕ soulmate smiles, ⊕ hold that pose!, ⊕ kodak moment
omen1x2 wrote in soulmateaday Aug 08, 2012 23:01
(✈korea), event: lotte sweet dream with jyj, ⊕ oh boys♥, ⊕ too cute, ⊕ yours ≡ mine, ! animated gif, # year : 2011
vermeil wrote in soulmateaday Jan 24, 2012 01:29
⊕ 'that' look, (✈korea), ⊕ candid, ⊕ hand-holding, event: lotte sweet dream with jyj, ⊕ too cute, ! animated gif, ⊕ soulmate smiles, # year : 2011
vermeil wrote in soulmateaday Dec 08, 2011 23:55
(✈korea), ⊕ candid, ⊕ hand-holding, ⊕ too cute, event: lotte sweet dream with jyj, ! animated gif, ⊕ soulmate smiles, # year : 2011
vermeil wrote in soulmateaday Nov 25, 2011 23:20
⊕ 'that' look, (✈korea), ☆ chunfaces, ⊕ world of their own™, ⊕ candid, event: lotte sweet dream with jyj, ⊕ too cute, ! animated gif, # year : 2011